The Dialogue
39, Laitse, Estonya

Our minds keep telling us. You want this, or you want that. What it does not tell you is. You have to do this and that in order to get what it tells you to want.
Silence your mind for a moment and listen to what flows through you. What does your individuality, your soul say?
I bet it says. Stop wanting those things. Everything what your soul needs and your destiny wants will come to you in time. Just recognize the real path in front of you. Not the one your mind keeps wanting.
Because it newer stops wanting until you silence it.

Silence that voice in your head that pushes you to be a puppet of your desires and start listening to your souls faint but yet loud wish to grow and evolve higher than the shallow desire you are told from your mind, from your ego.

Silence it before it's too late to recognize the path, silence it before it's too late to take action. Silence it, or you will hear the loud roar at the end of your path, the roar that once was faint, the roar that once was moderate. So you will pass on to the next path wiser and more balanced than on your current one.


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