rodeoneerer's blog

30, Hartford, USA

With characters like Master Chief and Kratos, it’s no surprise Epic Games is looking to expand the crossover cast of skins. Each of these skins come from different publishers and developers, so expanding to Tomb Raider would mean some communication with Square Enix.

 A Fortnite data miner leaked the codename of a future female crossover skin, Typhoon. Fans determined that the next Fortnite character could probably be Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.

The new leak comes from game data miner ‘Mang0e,’ who recently shared a couple of screenshots of game code referencing a new crossover/bounty hunter skin. The character is listed with the codename ‘Typhoon’ and will, according to the leak, be a female character that possibly includes ‘reactive’ styles. The hunter’s island portal will allegedly have some variety of ‘flicker.’

Then the official Tomb Raider account also tweeted out a possible clue on January 11. The tweet includes emojis for a pickaxe, a woman running, and an arrow. It's possible the pickaxe might just be a reference to Lara Croft's ice pick featured in Rise of Tomb Raider, but few things happen by coincidence in AAA game PR.

Commenters under the tweet shared some of their speculations, stating that the character could also be Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn, or even Samus from Metroid.

Since this skin has reactive styles, it’s possible that as the player takes damage, the skin will get bloodier, similar to how the health system works in…

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