Inglise keelsed mõtteterad ....
36, Тарту, Эстония

* I`m losing my fucking mind.
* He,who holds the key,can unlock my heart.
* What doesn`t kill,makes you wish it did.
* You know my name,not my story!
* I wanted everything tu stay the same but feelings fade and people change.
* It`s funny how you believe me,when I say I`m fine.
* There are a million reasons to love me and there are a million reasons to hate me.Pick one.
* I can`t explain and I won`t even try.
* Missing`s like every moment you`re doing something,you`re wishing they were right there with you.
* The only things in life we regret are the risks we didn`t take.
* Sometimes,too much happiness can be frightening because you know,things end!
* If you don`t want sarcastic answer,then don`t ask a stupid question.
* Other people will like you if you let them control you,it isn`worth it!
* I`ve never really been good with goodbyes.
* We chase the people who ignore us and ignore the people who adore us.
* Take me as I am or watch me as I go.
* Treat people as you would like to be treated.
* We spend so much of our lives not saying the things we want to say.The things we should say.
* The best feeling in the world is when the person you like,likes you back.
* It`s funny how day by day NOTHING CHANGES but when you look back EVERYTHING is DIFFERENT.
* Forget what hurt you in the past.But never forget what it taught you.
* Sometimes you can not just tell anybody how you really feel.
* There are moments in life that I will always remember.Not because they were important but because you were there.
* There`s a part of me that will always be in love with you.
* No matter how serious life gets,you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with.
* No matter how big or soft or warm your bed is,you still have to get out of it.
* Part of me will always love you.But it`s okey,because I let you go a long time ago.I hope you`ll have a great life.I know I will.
* Sometimes you have to test someone.Not because you don`t trust them,but to see how much they`ll sacrifice for you.And sometimes you have to let them go,not because you suddenly stopped loving them,but to see if they love you enough to come back.
* Just stay strong.
* No one ever gets tired of loving.But everyone gets tired of waiting,assuming,hearing promises,saying sorry and all the hurting.
* It`s not about the time that you have,it`s how you cry and how you laugh,who you love and how you mean it ... And do you mean it.
* Do you remember when you said you`d never forget this?
* What hurts more then losing you,is knowing you`re not fighting to keep me.
* Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer.
* Be yourself and I promise people will enjoy it and if they don`t,forget them.
* Anyone can give up,it`s the easiest thing in the world to do.But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart,that`s true strength.
* You really love him,do you?
* I don`t know how long I can stand this.
* I may not have given you a lot to remember,but please don`t forget me.
* Dear you.I miss you ever since you left.Can you please be back?I need you.Loves,me.
* Feelings don`t die easily because we keep feeding them with memories,that`s exactly the reason why it`s so hard to move on.
* You`re not like the others.
* Sometimes I wish I sould read your mind and find out how you feel about me.
* If only he sees me the way I see him.I`ll be the luckiest girl in the world.
* She hurts and she cries,but you can`t see the depression in her eyes,because she just smiles.
* You don`t know what you got until it`s gone.And I found out little too late.
* Take me away.I don`t want to be here right now.
* You never showed that you were scared of losing me.
* I want to be his favorite Hello and his hardest Goodbye...
* You`ll always be my favorite.
* I don`t want to be a part of history,I want to be a part of his story.
* Am I really that easy to let go of?
* It`s never going to be the same again.And that`s whats killing me.
* You can have anything you want .. If you fight for it.
* I want to be in your arms,where you hold me tight and never let me go.
* Love ain`t a big thing,it`s a million little small things.
* Sometimes the memories are worth the pain.
* When I first saw you,I was afraid to talk to you.When I first talked to you,I was afraid to like you.When I first like you,I was afraid to love you.Now that I love you,I`m afraid to lose you.
* I don`t fucking live to please you.
* The truth is that everyone is gonna hurt you.
* Wasn`t it beautiful when you believed in everything?
* When was the last time you did something for the first time?
* I`m a free bitch.
* I want to kill everyone.
* Happy girls are the prettiest.
* I have no idea what I want.
* Ever tried.Ever failed .No matter.Try again.Fail again.Fail better.

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